Andrés Hojman

Ph. D. Candidate in Economics at University Of Chicago

Andres Hojman is a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the University of Chicago. He has a M.S. in Economics from Universidad de Chile and worked in the Chilean government for three years evaluating preschool and antipoverty programs. His current projects include his thesis, which aims to explain the fadeout of IQ gains from Early Education Programs; an analysis on the tradeoff between time allocated to receiving early education and parental interaction; and a discussion about the measurement challenges of working with unobserved variables in econometrics. He is working with Professor James Heckman on a cost-benefit analysis of an influential Early Education Program with adult follow-up. They also wrote with two coauthors a literature review, "Early Childhood Education", discussing the effectiveness of these programs in the US, forthcoming in an NBER volume. In these projects, Andres is collaborating with psychologists, educators and other scientists to expand our understanding of how early education affects skill development throughout the lifetime.