Fritz Foley is an Associate Professor in the Finance area at Harvard Business School. He is also a Faculty Research Fellow in the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Corporate Finance and International Trade and Investment Programs and an Associate Editor of the Journal of International Economics.
Professor Foley’s research focuses on international corporate finance with a particular emphasis on the activities of multinational firms. He has investigated the use of international joint ventures, the determinants of multinational affiliate capital structure and dividend repatriations, the advantages associated with internal capital and labor markets, the impact of capital controls on multinationals, and the effects of stock market valuations on foreign direct investment.
His work on how intellectual property rights influence international technological transfers has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. His academic articles have appeared in several journals including The Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Public Economics, the National Tax Journal, the Review of Financial Studies, and the Quarterly Journal of Economics.
Prior to joining HBS, Professor Foley taught at the University of Michigan Business School. He received a Ph. D. in Business Economics from Harvard University and a B.A. in Ethics, Politics, and Economics from Yale University. Professor Foley has also worked as a Strategy Consultant at Monitor Company and conducted research on multinational firms in the apparel export sector as a Fulbright Scholar in Sri Lanka.
VoxEU Column
International trade finance practices
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- International trade