Chris Kutarna

Fellow, Oxford Martin School at University Of Oxford

Chris Kutarna is a two-time Governor General's Medalist, a Sauvé Fellow and Commonwealth Scholar, and a Fellow of the Oxford Martin School with a doctorate in politics from the University of Oxford. A former Consultant with the Boston Consulting Group, then Entrepreneur, Chris lived in China for several years and remains a regular op-ed contributor to one of China's top-ranked news magazines. His academic research maps the political value diversity of China’s emerging middle class. Chris is the best-selling author, with Ian Goldin, of Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance, published globally in 2016. His prior books include the best-selling Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything (2008), for which Chris was the lead China Researcher. Born on the Canadian Prairies, Chris divides his time between Oxford, Beijing and Regina.