Christian Hildebrand is Full Professor of Marketing Analytics at the University of St. Gallen. He had doctoral and post-doctoral visits at Stanford University, Duke University, and the University of Michigan. His work explores how new technologies change hard-wired cognitive processes of how people think and make decisions. His research focuses on understanding and optimizing consumer-firm interfaces with an emphasis on digital voice assistants, chatbots, and mobile interfaces.
His research has been published in leading academic and practitioner-oriented journals at the intersection of marketing and information systems such as Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Letters, and Harvard Business Review. His work received various research awards including the “Rigor and Relevance Award” of the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science, and he is frequently working with corporations across a large number of industries from automotive, online retail, health-care, and the financial industry.
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Distance learning in higher education: Evidence from a randomised experiment
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