Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Christoph Maurer has been a partner and one of the two managing directors of Consentec since 2007. During this time period and beforehand as chief engineer and head of research group “Network Planning and Operation” of the Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics at RWTH Aachen University, his work has been focused on regulation, operation and planning particularly of transmission systems. His special focuses are questions on market design and system integration of RES and conventional generation. Christoph holds an additional degree in “Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen” with economic and business background. With Consentec, he is responsible for questions on energy policy and power market design as well as power generation and transmission. In Germany and Europe, Christoph has been a renowned expert on power economics (for many times appointed as an expert by the German Bundestag, German federal parliaments and by the regulator Bundesnetzagentur). He has a teaching assignment at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg and lectures on "System solutions for energy transition".