Eduardo Borensztein is currently Regional Economic Advisor at the Southern Cone Department of the Inter-American Development Bank. Until 2008, he was Advisor in the front office of the Research Department of the IMF, where he worked on macro risk management, debt and external vulnerability. He has been a member of the Editorial Committee of IMF Staff Papers and an Adviser to the Editor of Finance and Development. In 2005-2006, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank, where he co-authored the flagship research report of 2007, Living with Debt, How to Limit the Risks of Sovereign Finance, led projects on the development of domestic bond markets, and local-currency and contingent financial instruments, and was Adviser to the Chief Economist.
Previously, he was Chief of the Strategic Issues Division of the Research Department of the IMF, where he has also worked in the Asian and African departments. He has also been an Adviser to the Secretary of Finance of Argentina in 2003, and has worked at the Central Bank of Argentina and at FIEL, a private research institute in Buenos Aires. He has focused his research work on the areas of sovereign debt, currency crises, financial and foreign exchange markets, and transition economies. He received a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an undergraduate degree from the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
VoxEU Column
The costs of sovereign default: Theory and reality
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Hedging against commodity prices and precautionary reserves
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- International Finance