Eric Budish is Professor of Economics and the Richard N. Rosett and David G. Booth Faculty Fellow at the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. Budish's research is on market design: designing the "rules of the game" in a market so that self-interested behavior by market participants leads to economically attractive outcomes. Budish's research has spanned a wide variety of market design contexts, including the design of financial exchanges, matching markets, patent design, school choice procedures, and the market for event tickets. Budish's research on high-frequency trading and the design of financial exchanges received the AQR Insight Award and the Leo Melamed Award and has been discussed in major policy addresses by the NY Attorney General and the SEC Chair. Budish's research on patent design and cancer R&D received the Kauffman/iHEA Award for Health Care Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research.Budish received his PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University, his MPhil in Economics from Oxford (Nuffield College), and his BA in Economics and Philosophy from Amherst College. Prior to graduate school, Budish was an Analyst at Goldman Sachs. Budish's honors include the Marshall Scholarship and the Sloan Research Fellowship.