Fabio Antoniou is an Assistant Professor at the Economics Department of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) since January 2020. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business. After the completion of his doctorate he worked at the University of Cyprus, at Humboldt University Berlin and at the University of Ioannina. His research focuses in Applied Microeconomic Theory (I.O., Public Economics, and International Trade). His recent work focuses on time inconsistency issues in storable good markets and on the design of mechanisms that promote efficiency in non-cooperative games with externalities. He has published in various journals, such as the RAND Journal of Economics, Economica, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Oxford Economic Papers, Environmental and Resource Economics etc. In 2017 the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists nominated the paper “The Effectiveness of Taxation and Feed-in Subsidies” by Fabio Antoniou and Roland Strausz as the ERE Best Paper of the year.
VoxEU Column
Pollution permits and financing costs
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