Francesca Campolongo

Head, Finance and Economy Unit at European Commission Joint Research Centre

Francesca Campolongo has been working in the JRC since 1998, where she also obtained a prize as "best young scientist of the year" in 2002. Currently, she is actively involved in the work of the European Commission to create a safer and sounder financial system and to recover from the economic crisis. In particular, over the last few years she has contributed to EC proposals on higher capital requirements for banks, harmonised deposit protection schemes, EU Framework for bank recovery and resolution, and bank structural reform. She is a mathematician (she graduated in Pisa University, Italy) with a PhD in modelling and sensitivity analysis (Griffith University, Australia). Her main research interests focus on financial markets modelling and financial risk analysis. Working in support to EU policy makers she has developed skills in calibration and ex ante impact assessment of financial regulation, with particular attention to the banking sector.