Gabriella Conti is a Professor in Economics in the Department of Economics and in the Social Research Institute at University College London; and Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies and at IZA Bonn. Her research areas of interest are health economics, the economics of human development, and biology and economics. Her research draws on both the biomedical and the social sciences with the aim of understanding the developmental origins of health inequalities, the role of child development as input in the production of lifecycle health and the behavioral and biological pathways through which early life shocks and policies affect well-being throughout the lifecourse.
She has studied several interventions, such as the iconic Perry Preschool, Abecedarian and Nurse Family Partnership programs in the United States; and large-scale programmes such as Sure Start and the Family Nurse Partnership in England, and Seguro Popular in Mexico. She has published on this topic in top journals in different disciplines, such as Science, PNAS, Pediatrics, the Economic Journal, the Journal of Econometrics and Lancet. Her research has been supported among others by the NIH, H2020, Nuffield Foundation, Health Foundation, British Academy. Her work has been mentioned among others in the New York Times, Financial Times, The Times, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, and discussed in the British Parliament.
She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Essex. Prior to joining UCL, she was a Post-Doctoral Scholar and then an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago.
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