Giovanni Ferri

Professor of Economics at LUMSA University

Giovanni Ferri holds a Ph.D. in Economics from New York University and is full professor of economics at LUMSA University (Rome, Italy) where he served as Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs from 2014 to 2018. Over 1999-2012 he was at the University of Bari: Department of Economics’ chair (2005-12) and Deputy Rector for International Relations (2009-12). He previously served as Principal Financial Economist at the World Bank (1998-99) and up to Deputy-Director at the Research Department of Banca d’Italia (1984-1998). He was visiting fellow at: ADB Institute (2002-03), European University Institute, Florence (1984); Hong Kong Monetary Authority (2007), NBER (1990), Princeton University (1995-96), Tokyo University (2004). He consulted for EU Commission and Parliament. He was Economic Policy Consultant at Italy’s Treasury (1999-2002) and Economic Consultant of the Italian Association among Cooperative Banks (2001–2009). From 2008 he is a founding member of the Think Tank at the European Association of Cooperative Banks. He was member of EBA’s Banking Stakeholder Group between 2011 and 2013. He is a member of the Board of Administrators and of the Scientific Committee of the International Research Center on Cooperative Finance at HEC Montreal. He is editor of the journals: Economic Notes, Journal of Entrepreneurial & Organizational Diversity. He has led (or consulted for) policy and research related projects in several countries: Albania, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey. His research interests include: market imperfections and the transmission of financial shocks, banking structure, credit rating agencies, corporate governance, finance-growth nexus, migration, company internationalization, Chinese economy, sustainability. He has published extensively in these fields. Since 2013 he chairs the Center for Relationship Banking & Economics (CERBE) focusing on relational goods towards society’s wellbeing ( Regarding sustainability, at the University of Bari he envisaged and helped build the St Nicholas School for Intercultural Dialogue ( while at LUMSA University he chairs the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals (