Hein Klemann

Professor of Social and Economic History at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Hein A. M. Klemann (Earsmus University Amsterdam 1957) studied history at the Free University Amsterdam (VU) and economics at the VU and the University of Amsterdam. He obtained his PhD at the VU in 1990 for a dissertation on Dutch trade in the 1930s, entitled Between Reich and Empire, which was awarded the Dirk-Jacob Veegens Prize of the Royal Holland Academy of Science for the best historical thesis of the year. Since then, he has been affiliated with Utrecht University and the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD), where he wrote a study of the economic development of the Netherlands during the German occupation. Working with a Russian colleague, Sergey Kudryashov, he wrote Occupied Economies about the economics of occupied Europe. Since 2005 he has been Professor of Social and Economic History at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.