Hersh Shefrin

Mario L. Belotti Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University

Hersh Shefrin is the Mario L. Belotti Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University. He is one of the pioneers in the behavioural approach to economics and finance. The January 2001 issue of CFO magazine lists him among the academic stars of finance. A 2003 article in the American Economic Review listed him as one of the top 15 economic theorists to have influenced empirical work. In 2009, his behavioural finance book Beyond Greed and Fear was recognised by J.P. Morgan Chase as one of the top ten books published since 2000. He received his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics in 1974. He also holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Oulu, Finland. He is frequently interviewed by the press and his work was profiled by BBC TV in February 2014. He intermittently writes for the Wall Street Journal, and blogs for Forbes and The Huffington Post.