Discussion paper
Jacques Bouhga-Hagbe has worked at the IMF since 2002. He is currently the IMF Resident Representative in Haiti. He has previously worked in the African, Middle East and Central Asia, and Fiscal Affairs departments. His papers have addressed topics including labor markets, economic growth, and workers’ remittances. He holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale de Paris and a PhD in economics from Cornell University.
VoxEU Column
Fiscal policy and the current account
![](../../../../../../../../../../var/folders/34/zq18d8kx7kbgby0j06p_j6t40000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_EM2XPo/Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 17.01.16.png)
- Global economy ![](../../../../../../../../../../var/folders/34/zq18d8kx7kbgby0j06p_j6t40000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_EM2XPo/Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 17.01.16.png)
- Macroeconomic policy