Jesper Lindé is advisor and head of the monetary modelling unit in Monetary and Capital Markets Department at the IMF. Before Lindé joined the IMF in 2019, he worked at Sveriges Riksbank, where he as research economist and head of the monetary policy modelling unit developed the DSGE model Ramses as the Riksbanks’ main forecasting and scenario analysis tool. Between 2008-2014, Lindé worked as Section chief in the Division of International Finance at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC, with main responsibility for the international scenarios in the Tealbook. In 2014, Lindé returned to the Riksbank as Head of Research, a position he held until 2019. Lindé has published papers on monetary and fiscal policy and credit risk modelling in leading academic journals.
VoxEU Column
Resolving the missing deflation and inflation puzzles
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- Monetary Policy
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Why central banks should not be inflation nutters
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- Monetary Policy
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Can optimal policy projections in DSGE models be useful for policymakers?
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- Monetary Policy