Jon D. Samuels is Chief of the National Economic Accounts Research Group at the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Samuels leads a team of PhD economists studying how to improve the timeliness, accuracy, and relevancy of the national accounts. His own work focuses on studying the measurement of technological change and the sources of economic growth and competitiveness. Between 2007 and 2020, he was an Associate at the Institute of Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University where he collaborated with Dale Jorgenson on studies of U.S. economic growth. Prior to that he worked as a Research Associate at the Program on Technology and Economic Policy at Harvard, directed by Dale Jorgenson. Samuels’s fist job out of college was doing short term economic forecasting for Primark Decision Economics. Samuels received a BA in economics from the University of Chicago and an MA and PhD in economics from Johns Hopkins University.