Discussion paper
Kasper Roszbach is the research director of Norges Bank, the central bank of Norway. He is also a part-time professor of banking and finance at the University of Groningen, associate editor of the Journal of International Money and Finance and the Journal of Financial Stability, a member of the steering committee of the International Banking Research Network, and an ex-officio member of the IJCB management committee.
Kasper's research interests are in financial intermediation, household finance and labor-finance
Previously Kasper was, among other things, director of financial stability, deputy director of monetary policy and a research economist at Sveriges Riksbank, a member of the BIS Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) and a scientific advisor to the Czech National Bank. He was also a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and worked for De Nederlandsche Bank, ABN Amro Bank, Sweden's Ministry of Finance and The Netherlands' Competition Authority.
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- Labour Markets