Kazunari Kainou

Fellow and Executive Board Member, UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism at RIETI

Kazunari Kainou is RIETI Fellow and a UNFCCC CDM Executive Board Member.  He has taught at various institutions including  the Research Institute for Sustainable Science at the University of Osaka, the Research Institute for Industry at KEIO University, the Graduate School for Public Policy at the University of Tokyo.  He was a Senior Advisor the Nuclear Damage Compensation Facilitation Cooperation for the government of Japan. He currently serves as a Chairperson of the Accreditation Panel of the UNFCCC CDM Executive Board.  After finishing his undergraduate degree in Engineering at the University of Tokyo in 1987, he joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).  He has served in various international organizations including IEA as a country expert, IPCC as a lead author of NGGIP, UNFCCC as a CDM Executive Board Member on the Accreditation Panel and was an official contributor to the Nobel Peace Prize for IPCC. His expertise is in econometrics, sustainable development and quantitative policy evaluation, and has various publications in Japanese and international journals and papers.