Matteo Richiardi (Ph.D. University of Torino, M.Sc. University College London) is Senior Research Officer at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford. He is also an Associate Member of Nuffield College, an Affiliate of Collegio Carlo Alberto, and an Assistant Professor (on leave) at the University of Torino. He has served as a consultant on labour market policies for the World Bank.
Matteo Richiardi is an internationally recognised scholar in micro-simulation modelling (this includes dynamic microsimulations and agent-based modelling, a technique primarily concerned with the analysis of local interaction between heterogeneous agents endowed with limited information, in detailed-rich institutional environments). His work on micro-simulations involves both methodological research on estimation and validation techniques, and applications to the analysis of distributional outcomes, the functioning of the labour market and welfare systems. He is Chief Editor of the International Journal of Microsimulation. His scientific profile is available at