Michael G Jacobides

Sir Donald Gordon Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at London Business School

Michael G Jacobides holds the Sir Donald Gordon Chair of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at London Business School where he is an Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship. A Fellow of the Wharton Financial Institutions Centre, he has looked at the evolution of financial services, and has been involved in structuring related policy discussions through the WEF and the UK’s Industry Parliament Trust. He studies industry evolution, firm boundaries and organisational design, and teaches courses on corporate turnarounds. In addition to his extensive academic publishing in management journals, he has worked with over 30 global corporations on strategy and executive development and has written for HBR, Forbes and the FT. Trained as an economist before turning to strategy, he has taken a behavioural/evolutionary approach to organisations and institutions. He studied in Athens, Cambridge, Stanford and Wharton (PhD), and has been on the faculties of Wharton and Harvard Business School.