Pierre M. Picard graduated as a civil engineer in telecommunication at the University of Louvain. After working some years in the telecom industry, he obtained a M.B.A. at the Katholiek Universiteit van Leuven (1994) and completed a Ph.D. in Management Science and Economics at the University of Louvain (1998). Since then he taught Microeconomics Industrial Organisation, Spatial Economics and Managerial Economics at the Economics Department of the University of Manchester. He has also been Invited lecturer at the University of Louvain, University of Namur and University of Liège. He is now Professor at the University of Luxembourg.
Pierre M. Picard is interested in topics linking the fields of public economics, industrial organisation, spatial and regional economics and economic geography. His research includes theoretical works published in top international journals on privatisation, information technologies, spatial interactions and city formation, firms agglomeration, international trade, and fiscal federalism.
Discussion paper
DP10030 Urban Spatial Structure, Employment and Social Ties
Discussion paper
DP8323 A Theory of BOT Concession Contracts
VoxEU Column
How location affects friendship interactions
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- Frontiers of economic research
VoxEU Column
Government outsourcing: Public contracting with private monopoly
![](../../../../../../../../../../var/folders/34/zq18d8kx7kbgby0j06p_j6t40000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_EM2XPo/Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 17.01.16.png)
- Microeconomic regulation