Richard Rogerson joined the faculty of Princeton University in spring of 2011, where he is the Charles and Marie Robertson Professor of Economics and Public Affairs. He is also the Director of the Louis A. Simpson Center for the Study of Macroeconomics. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota in 1984 and has previously held faculty positions at the University of Rochester, New York University, Stanford University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Pennsylvania, and Arizona State University.
Dr. Rogerson’s teaching and research interests are in the fields of Macroeconomics and Labor Economics. His published work includes papers on labor supply and taxes, business cycle fluctuations, the effects of labor market regulations, financing of public education, and development. He currently serves as Editor of the American Economic Journal: Macro and Associate, and has previously served as Co-Editor of the American Economic Review and Associate Editor of the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, the Review of Economic Dynamics and the International Economic Review. He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a fellow of the Econometric Society.
Discussion paper
DP17068 Hours and Wages
Discussion paper