Shiyi Chen is a professor in School of Economics (SOE) and Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF) at Fudan University, and a professor at Anhui University. He also serves as the Executive Vice President of Anhui University, Director of Research Center of Sustainable Development of Fudan University, Director of Research Center of Green Finance of Fudan University, and Co-Director of Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute co-founded by Chinese University of Hong Kong and Fudan University. He holds a PhD in Econometrics at Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea. His research area includes economic transformation and financial development, energy and environment economics, development economics, and applied econometrics. He published more than one hundred papers and several scholarly monographs like Energy Environment and Economic Transformation in China (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York). With works spanning a large number of contexts such as Chinese economy and econometric theories, in 2020 and 2021, he was among the “Elsevier Highly Cited Researchers” in China. He is also the recipient of many prestigious awards such as Peikang Chang Development Economics Prize in 2014, and Sun Yefang Prize in Economics Science in 2018.