Terrie Walmsley is an Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Global Trade Analysis in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University, USA and a Principal Fellow Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne in Australia. After completing her PhD at Monash University, Australia, she joined the Center for Global Trade Analysis as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow where she worked on China's accession to the WTO and the Dynamic GTAP model. Walmsley then moved to the United Kingdom where she was a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Sheffield where she taught macroeconomics, International Trade and International Economics. Her research at this time included analysing the impact of free trade agreements in Asia and with Africa and the global impact of the Mode 4, the temporary movement of people.
In 2003 she moved back to the Center for Global Trade Analysis, where she became the Director in 2005. Walmsley's research interests include international trade and the modeling of international capital and labor movements. Recently Walmsley developed a global bilateral migration model and database that has been used to examine issues related to migration in Asia and North America. This database was also used in the World Bank's 2006 Global Economic Prospects and was recently extended to create a times series bilateral migration database by gender. Walmsley is also co-editor of a new book to be published later this year which documents the Dynamic GTAP model and provides a number of illustrative applications of the model to global trade and environmental policy. Terrie is also involved in organizing the Center's courses and conference, supervising graduate students and oversees the team constructing the GTAP Data Base.
VoxEU Column
“Where on earth is everybody?” The evolution of global bilateral migration: 1960-2000
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- Migration