Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli is a Deputy Division Chief in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), focused on monetary policy, central banking, and fintech. He has advised country authorities and published on issues related to unconventional monetary policies, monetary policy and financial stability, spillovers, exchange rate regimes and interventions, modelling and forecasting, evolving monetary policy frameworks, and fintech. Prior to joining the IMF, Mr. Mancini-Griffoli was a senior economist in the Research and Monetary Policy Division of the Swiss National Bank, where he advised the Board on quarterly monetary policy decisions. Mr. Mancini-Griffoli spent prior years in the private sector, at Goldman Sachs, the Boston Consulting Group, and technology startups in the Silicon Valley. He holds a PhD from the Graduate Institute in Geneva, and other degrees from the London School of Economics and Stanford University.
VoxEU Column
The rise of digital currency
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- Monetary Policy