Victor Chernozhukov

Professor, Department of Economics and Center for Statistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Victor Chernozhukov is the International Ford Professor in the Department of Economics at MIT and Center for Statistics and Data Science of MIT. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2000, and has worked at MIT since then. He works primarily in econometrics and mathematical statistics, with much of recent work focusing on the causal inference using machine learning methods. He is a fellow of The Econometric Society and a recipient of The Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, The Arnold Zellner Award, and The Bessel Award. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in April 2016. In 2019 he was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics with the citation “for pathbreaking contributions to high-dimensional inference”. He is also the Cowles Foundation (2009, inagural) lecturer, Fisher-Shultz (2019) lecturer, Hannan (2016) lecturer, and Sargan (2017) lecturer at Econometric Society Meetings. He served as the inaugural moderator of Economics ArXiv , which launched in 2017.