Zhi Wang is a Senior International Economist at Research Division, Office of Economics, U.S. International Trade Commission. He obtained his Ph.D in applied economics at University of Minnesota with a minor in computer and information sciences in 1994 and worked as a Consultant for the World Bank in the World Development Report, 1995. Since then, he had worked as an Economist at Purdue University, Economic Research service (ERS), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, and Senior Research Scientist at School of Computational Sciences of Gorge Mason University before joining USITC.He was a Research Fellow at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences before he came to the United States and served on the board of directors of the Chinese Economists Society (CES) during 1992-93. His major fields of expertise include computable general equilibrium modeling, data reconciliation methods, economic integration among Pacific Rim countries, Chinese economies, and international trade. Because of his contribution to the GTAP database and to its use in contemporary policy applications, he was selected as Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Research Fellow in 2000. He also served in Fulbright senior scholar program offering general equilibrium trade policy analysis classes at Chengchi University in Taipei and Tsinghua University in Beijing during 2005 and 2007 respectively.
VoxEU Column
Gross trade accounting: A transparent method to discover global value chain-related information behind official trade data: Part 2
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- International trade
VoxEU Column
Gross trade accounting: A transparent method to discover global value chain-related information behind official trade data: Part 1
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- International trade
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How much of Chinese exports is really made in China?
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- International trade