Zoltan Pozsar

Member of the Shadow Banking Colloquium at Institute for New Economic Thinking

Zoltan Pozsar, a member of the Shadow Banking Colloquium of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is an expert on global macroeconomic affairs, central banking and financial intermediation. He writes for VoxEU in a personal capacity. Mr. Pozsar has been deeply involved in the response to the global financial crisis and the ensuing policy debate. At the IMF he framed the Fund's position on shadow banking and co-authored a number of important publications on the subject, including "Shadow Banking: Economics and Policy." At the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, he provided market intelligence for the FOMC; led the effort to backstop the securitisation market in Lehman’s aftermath; and pioneered the mapping of the shadow banking system. Over the years, he consulted G7 policymakers and was involved with various G20 working groups. Mr. Pozsar has published several ground-breaking papers on the financial eco-system and wrote extensively on the global economy, most recently with Paul McCulley (formerly of PIMCO) on fiscal and monetary policy in a liquidity trap. His work has served as the basis of several policy initiatives and was cited in the Financial Times and The Economist. Before joining the official sector, Mr. Pozsar was a U.S. macroeconomist. He is a founding member of the Shadow Banking Colloquium of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET); a Visiting Scholar at the Global Interdependence Center; and a Senior Adviser on European affairs to Oriens Investment Management, a CEE-focused merchant bank in Hungary. Mr. Pozsar and his wife Elena Liapkova-Pozsar, an Emerging Markets Portfolio Manager, live in New York.