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Call for Papers

Bank of Finland and CEPR Joint Conference on
New Avenues for Monetary Policy

September 10-11 2021 in Helsinki, Finland and Online

  Paper Submission Deadline - Wednesday, 30th June 2021 

In addition to contributed papers, the programme will feature presentations by keynote speakers Alan Blinder (Princeton), Michael Woodford (Columbia), and invited speakers Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton), Ethan Ilzetzki (LSE), Mikhail Golosov (Chicago). All presentations will be in plenary sessions and each paper will be assigned a discussant. 

The conference will bring together top researchers from academia, central banks, and other policy institutions to present research findings related to current as well mid-term to long-run issues and challenges concerning monetary policy. Some of the topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Debt sustainability, fiscal expectations, and monetary-fiscal interactions
  • Liquidity traps, financial stability, and monetary policy effectiveness
  • Role of low productivity growth, demographics, and the pandemic for policy
  • Green monetary policy
  • Long term drivers of inflation
  • Monetary policy and inequality
  • Communication and expectations management
  • Insight from surveys and micro data for monetary policy models

We invite authors to submit completed papers or extended abstracts. Preferences are for completed papers. If you know of a paper that fits the conference theme, please forward this message to the authors.

Authors who are CEPR members can upload their submission on the following registration link. Please also indicate in your submission whether you would be interested in being a discussant as well. The organisers will select the papers based on originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance.
If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please contact Lydia Williams, Events Officer at [email protected]. On local organisation, please contact [email protected] 

The deadline for paper submission is 30 June 2021. Only the authors of accepted papers will be informed by 31 July 2021. Travel and local accommodation for speakers and discussants from academic institutions will be funded by the Bank of Finland according to its internal guidelines.

Please Note: Because of the possibly continuing travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 situation that could affect some conference participants, we are organising the event such that participating and presenting either physically in Helsinki or online is possible.

Organising Committee:
Francesco D’Acunto (Boston College)
Daniel Hoang (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Seppo Honkapohja (Aalto University and CEPR)
Esa Jokivuolle (Bank of Finland)
Juha Kilponen (Bank of Finland)
Michael Weber (University of Chicago and CEPR)