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CEPR Conference Political Economy of Populism 2023
27th-28th of September, 2023
Hosted by: Wheeler Institute for Business and Development, London Business School 
Deadline: 18:00 (GMT) 20th of April, 2023

The Conference on Political Economy of Populism organized by the CEPR Political Economy Programme (POE) and the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development, London Business School (LBS). The conference will take place on September 27-28, 2023 at LBS. The keynote speakers will be Timothy Besley (London School of Economics), Catherine de Vries (Bocconi), and Dani Rodrik (Harvard University).
The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for high-quality research on political economy and on populism bringing together top scholars in these fields from Europe and overseas and from within and outside the CEPR POE Programme. Both theoretical and empirical paper proposals are welcome. 

Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered for all participants according to the CEPR Travel Guidelines. If you could contribute to the costs of your attendance from research funds at your disposal, however, this would free up funds for other participants. Please indicate in your application whether you will be able to cover your own travel costs, or whether you will require funding from CEPR. 


Sergei Guriev, Sciences Po and CEPR
Helios Herrera, University of Warwick and CEPR
Elias Papaioannou, London Business School and CEPR
Maria Petrova, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and CEPR