Webinar Video

CEPR-EAERE Climate Policy 11: U.S. Climate Policy in a Global Context

For this Eleventh CEPR/EAERE Webinar on Climate Policy: U.S. Climate Policy in a Global Context on February 14, 2023, from 04:00-05:30 PM (CET) / 10:00-11:30 AM (EST), Joseph Aldy (Harvard University & Resources For The Future) gave a presentation on Implementing U.S. Climate Policy through the Inflation Reduction Act, Michael Greenstone (University of Chicago, CEPR & Climate Change RPN Member) on Progress on U.S. Government’s Estimate of the Social Cost of Carbon and Robert Stavins (Harvard University, Resources For The Future & Climate Change RPN Associate Fellow) on The U.S. and the UNFCCC Negotiations and Agreements.