eBook virtual launch event: Nation Building: Big Lessons from Successes and Failures
The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the Research Policy Network (RPN) Preventing Conflict: Policies for Peace, organised the launch of the eBook Nation Building: Big lessons from Successes and Failures on Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 5 - 6 PM (CET).
What are the key ingredients for nation-building? This is a question that has occupied politicians and heads of state for centuries and has no clear or uniform answer. This eBook draws from a rich array of examples from across the world to formulate broad policy guidelines and to determine what contributes towards constructing a stable and prosperous nation.
The eBook editors Dominic Rohner (HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne, CEPR & RPN Leader) and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (PSE, EHESS, CEPR & RPN Member) introduced the eBook, followed by presentations by chapter authors:
• Vasiliki Fouka (Stanford University & CEPR): Language policies in education and the possibility of an identity backlash
• Hans-Joachim Voth (University of Zurich, CEPR & RPN Member): New patriots: How Roosevelt’s New Deal made America great again (with Bruno Caprettini)
•Noam Yuchtman (LSE & CEPR): Curriculum and ideology: Evidence from China (with Davide Cantoni and David Y.Yang)