
Barcelona Reports

Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation

This first report in a new series from IESE Business School and CEPR on ‘The Future of Banking’ tackles three important areas of post-crisis regulatory reform: the Basel III agreement on capital, liquidity and leverage requirements; resolution procedures to end ‘too big to fail’; and the expanded role of central banks with a financial stability remit.

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Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds) (2019), ‘Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Introduction: Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Bank functions, fragility and narrow banking‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Basel III and beyond‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Resolving ‘too big to fail’‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘An expanded role for central banks‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Conclusions‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Regulatory reform: Basel III and beyond‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘The structure of Basel III‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Capital regulation‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Liquidity regulation‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Non-bank Intermediation‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Resolving too big to fail‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Lessons from the crisis of 2007-2009: Why bank resolution was an impossible choice‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘SIB resolution: What are the challenges and trade-offs?‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘The SIB resolution model around ‘single point of entry’‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Main takeaway‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘An expanded role for central banks‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Conducting monetary policy at the zero lower bound‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Lender of last resort‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Updating the central bank financial stability mandate‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Legitimising an expanded mandate for independent central banks‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (2019), ‘Discussions‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Hartmann, P (2019), ‘Discussion of Chapter 2 by Philipp Hartmann: Regulatory reform: Basel III and beyond‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Restoy, F (2019), ‘Discussion of Chapter 3 by Fernando Restoy: The new bank resolution framework: Will it work?‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Vickers, J (2019), ‘Discussion of Chapter 4 by John Vickers: An enlarged role for central banks‘, in Bolton, P, S Cecchetti, J Danthine and X Vives (eds), Barcelona 1: Sound At Last? Assessing a Decade of Financial Regulation, CEPR Press, Paris & London.