
Cambridge University Press Books

Finance and Development: Issues and Experience

Recent progress towards economic and monetary union in Western Europe has highlighted the importance of regional policies, while events in Eastern Europe have focused attention on the role of finance in development and may lead to a substantial diversion of international capital flows. Research on endogenous growth has considered the relationships among growth, convergence and capital market imperfections, focusing on the contribution of capital markets to the real economy and the effects on developing countries of increased access to international capital markets.
This volume, derived from a conference on 'Finance and Development in Europe', organized by the Centre for Economic Policy Research in Santiago de Compostela on 13-14 December 1991, with financial support from the Regional Government of Galicia, addresses many of these issues. Theoretical papers shed light on the debates over the role of financial structure in economic development and the scope for government intervention to promote regional development. A number of highly topical empirical papers examine the relationship between international lending and economic development in a historical perspective, the recent experience of regional policies in the European Community and its member states and of financial liberalization in the high-growth East Asian economies, and the development of financial markets in the transforming economies of Eastern Europe.


Giovannini, A (1993), ‘Finance and Development: Issues and Experience‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Giovannini, A (1993), ‘Introduction: Finance and Development: Issues and Experience‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Branson, W, P Krugman and R Baldwin (1993), ‘International finance and economic development‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Branson, W, P Krugman and R Baldwin (1993), ‘International finance and economic development‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Repullo, R, O Sussman and D Begg (1993), ‘A theory of financial development‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Webb, D, X Vives, A Levinson, J Stiglitz and D Greenwald (1993), ‘Capital market imperfections and regional economic development‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Huertas, T and D Cohen, ‘Convergence in the closed and in the open economy‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Park, Y, H Reisen and S Collins, ‘The role of finance in economic development in South Korea and Taiwan‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Mello, A, P Honohan, G Galli, C Giannini and R Faini, ‘Finance and development: the case of Southern Italy‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Portes, R and R McKinnon, ‘Macroeconomic control in liberalizing socialist economies: Asian and European parallels‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Zabalza Marti, A, A Precedo, G de la Dehesa, S Micossi and J Cuadrado, ‘Regional imbalances and government compensatory financial flows: the case of Spain‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Burgess, R, C Mayer and P Aghion, ‘Financing and development in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union: uses and institutional support‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Stiglitz, J, ‘Overview: Finance and Development: Issues and Experience‘, in Giovannini, A (eds), Finance and Development: Issues and Experience, CEPR Press, Paris & London.