
International Economic Policy Coordination

This volume, based on a conference organized jointly by the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the National Bureau of Economic Research, examines recent developments in the study of international economic policy coordination. The conference brought together leading academic and government economists working in this area. Eight papers were presented, and the meeting concluded with a panel discussion on the prospects for international policy coordination.
There has recently been a revival of interest in the study of the international coordination of economic policy. No doubt the current debate about the mix of monetary and fiscal policy in the United States and Europe has encouraged interest in this subject. This volume presents some of the best current research on this important topic. The papers focus on several issues of importance in determining the desirability of international policy coordination: the nature of the transmission effects by which one country's policies affect another country; the trade-off between the current and future effects of policies, and the credibility of government policy when undertaken unilaterally or coordinated internationally.


Marston, R and W Buiter (eds) (1985), ‘International Economic Policy Coordination‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Marston, R and W Buiter (1985), ‘Introduction: International Economic Policy Coordination‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


De Ménil, G, D Henderson and M Corden (1985), ‘On transmission and coordination under flexible exchange rates‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Vines, D, J Frenkel, A Razin and M Canzoneri (1985), ‘Fiscal expenditures and international economic interdependence‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Marston, R, P Minford and M Emerson (1985), ‘The effects of American policies - a new classical interpretation‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Turnovsky, S, M Miller, M Salmon and R Bryant (1985), ‘Policy coordination and dynamic games‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Levine, P, D Currie, K Hamada and D Begg (1985), ‘Macroeconomic policy design in an interdependent world‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Oudiz, G, K Rogoff and J Braga de Macedo (1985), ‘International policy coordination in dynamic macroeconomic models‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Schioppa, T, J Shafer and M Artis (1985), ‘Policy cooperation and the EMS experience‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Marris, S, L Katseli, R Cooper, M Emerson and W Branson (1985), ‘Panel discussion: the prospects for international economic policy coordination‘, in Marston, R and W Buiter (eds), International Economic Policy Coordination, CEPR Press, Paris & London.