
Vox eBooks

The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas

This e-book is the final volume in a series of three examining the shadow that history casts over various aspects of the economy and the polity. In particular, this volume turns its gaze on Europe and the Americas as it examines how key events from the past shaped the societies they travelled through and inform the economies of the modern world.

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Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds) (2017), ‘The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (2017), ‘Introduction: The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History, Volume 3‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Naritomi, J (2017), ‘Type of colonisation and Latin American development‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Dell, M (2017), ‘The persistent effects of Peru’s mining mita‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Valencia Caicedo, F (2017), ‘Missionaries, human capital transmission and economic persistence in South America‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Dippel, C (2017), ‘Forced coexistence and economic development: Evidence from Native American reservations‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Hornbeck, R and S Naidu (2017), ‘When the levee breaks: Black migration and economic development in the American South‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Moser, P, A Voena and F Waldinger (2017), ‘Effects of high-skilled immigration on US invention: Evidence from German-Jewish émigrés‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Becker, S and J Rubin (2017), ‘The Protestant Reformation’s impact in Europe‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Guiso, L, P Sapienza and L Zingales (2017), ‘How the medieval city-states experience influences contemporary trust and civic culture in Italy‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Dari-Mattiacci, G and E Perotti (2017), ‘Trade, political institutions and legal Innovation: The birth of the corporation in Amsterdam‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Voigtländer, N and H Voth (2017), ‘Anti-Semitism in Germany and the geography of hate‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Acemoglu, D, T Hassan and J Robinson (2017), ‘Social structure and development: A legacy of the Holocaust in Russia‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Grosfeld, I and E Zhuravskaya (2017), ‘The Pale of Jewish settlement and persistent anti-market culture‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Fontana, N, T Nannicini and G Tabellini (2017), ‘The long lasting political legacy of the Nazi occupation of Italy‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Alesina, A and N Fuchs-Schündeln (2017), ‘The effect of Communism on attitudes and beliefs‘, in Michalopoulos, S and E Papaioannou (eds), The Long Economic and Political Shadow of History 3: Europe and the Americas, CEPR Press, Paris & London.