
Vox eBooks

Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies

The aftermath of the Great Recession is characterised by an
unprecedented rise in long-term unemployment. Almost half of the
unemployed in Europe have been looking for a job for more than one
year. This represents a fundamental challenge to policymakers. Longterm
unemployment causes considerable mental and material stress on
those affected and many of these persons may soon find themselves at
the margins of the labour market.
This eBook tries to get to the root of the problem. It contains three
chapters with an overview of the costs of long-term unemployment
and the available policies to fight it, and eight chapters that describe
the recent trends in as many European countries.
The great diversity in experiences across countries offers interesting
lessons. Overall they indicate that rigid labour market institutions
contribute to the rapid build-up of long-term unemployment, while
well-designed active labour market policies can help to mitigate the
problem. However, many European governments reacted late and
there are still many unanswered questions about the best timing and
the design of programmes for the long-term unemployed. This eBook
is, therefore, also a call on researchers and policymakers. High-quality
research should contribute to the design of effective measures and
policymakers should step up their efforts to implement these measures
and to spur growth.

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Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds) (2016), ‘Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bentolila, S and M Jansen (2016), ‘Introduction: Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Card, D, J Kluve and A Weber (2016), ‘Active labour market policies and long-term unemployment‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Katz, L, K Kroft, F Lange and M Notowidigdo (2016), ‘Addressing long-term unemployment in the aftermath of the Great Recession‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Winter-Ebmer, R (2016), ‘Long-term effects of unemployment: What can we learn from plant-closure studies?‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Andersen, T (2016), ‘Long-term unemployment in Denmark‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Cahuc, P and S Carcillo (2016), ‘Long-term unemployment in France‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Spermann, A (2016), ‘Long-term unemployment in Germany‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Cingano, F, G Pica and A Rosolia (2016), ‘Long-term unemployment in Italy after the Great Recession‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


van Ours, J (2016), ‘Long-term unemployment in the Netherlands: An age-related phenomenon‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Lewandowski, P and I Magda (2016), ‘Long-term unemployment in Poland‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bentolila, S, J Garcia Perez and M Jansen (2016), ‘Long-term unemployment in Spain‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Elsby, M, J Smith and J Wadsworth (2016), ‘How long has this been going on? Long-term unemployment in the UK‘, in Bentolila, S and M Jansen (eds), Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies, CEPR Press, Paris & London.