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European Migration: What do We Know?
- Introduction: What We Know About European Migration
- From Boom to Bust: The Economic Integration of Immigrants in Postwar Sweden
- Migration in a Scandinavian Welfare State: The Recent Danish Experience
- Irish Migration: Characteristics, Causes, and Consequences
- Migration, Migrants, and Policy in the United Kingdom
- The Netherlands: Old Emigrants-Young Immigrant Country
- German Migration: Development, Assimilation, and and Labour Market Effects
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- Immigrant Adjustment in France and Impacts on the Natives
- Italian Migration
- Greek-Migration: The Two Faces of Janus
- Migrations in Spain: Historical Background and Current Trends
- International Migration from and to Portugal: What Do We Know and Where Are We Going?
- Aliyah to Israel: Immigration under Conditions of Adversity
- The New Immigrants: Immigration and the USA
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- Europeans in the Antipodes: New Zealand's Mixed Migration Experience
- Europeans in the Antipodes: New Zealand's Mixed Migration Experience
Monetary Unions and Hard Pegs: Effects on Trade, Financial Development and Stability
- Editorial Introduction to the Volume and Detailed Introductions to Each of its Four Parts
- Euroization, Dollarization, and the International Monetary System
- Unilateral and Multilateral Currency Unions: Thoughts from and EMU Perspective
- International Money and Common Currencies in Historical Perspective
- Geography, Trade, and Currency Union
- Comparing Apples and Oranges: The Effect of Multilateral Currency Unions on Trade
- The Effect of Common Currencies on International Trade: A Meta-Analysis
- Common Currencies and Market Integration Across Cities: How Stong is the Link?
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- Trade Agreements, Exchange Rate Disagreements
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