
RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case

This book from OUP presents the results of the two-year RELTIF research programme, jointly developed by Assonime and CEPR, that brought together leading economists from around the world to examine whether finance and public policy contributed to the deep and prolonged decline in European investment after the financial crisis. The findings point consistently to the importance of debt overhang as a contributory factor and the role of both tax and regulatory policy in exacerbating the problems.


Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds) (2018), ‘RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Mayer, C, S Micossi, M Onado, M Pagano and A Polo, ‘An Introduction to Finance and Investment: The European Case‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bruno, B, A D'Onofrio and I Marino, ‘Finance Structure and Corporate Investment in Europe: Evidence from the Crisis Years‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Barbiero, F, P Brutscher, A Kolev, A Popov and M Wolski, ‘Misallocation of Investment in Europe: The Role of Debt Overhang and Credit Market Distress‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Martínez Pería, M and S Schmukler, ‘Understanding the Use of Long-Term Finance in Developing Countries‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Coricelli, F and M Frigerio, ‘Liquidity Squeeze on SMEs during the Great Recession in Europe: The Role of Trade Credit‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bruno, B, A D'Onofrio and I Marino, ‘Determinants of Bank Lending in Europe and the United States: Evidence From Crisis and Post-Crisis Years‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Acharya, V, T Eisert, C Eufinger and C Hirsch, ‘Same Story, Different Place? Post-Crisis Recapitalization of Banks in Japan and Europe‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Pagano, M, ‘The Sovereign-Bank Nexus and the Case from European Safe Bonds‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bruno, B, G Lusignani and M Onado, ‘A Securitization Scheme for Resolving Europe's Problem Loans‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Celerier, C, T Kick and S Ongena, ‘Changes in the Cost of Bank Equity and the Supply of Bank Credit‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Durufle, G, T Hellmann and K Wilson, ‘From Start-Up to Scale-Up: Examining Public Policies for the Financing of High-Growth Ventures‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Eisele, A and E Nowak, ‘Market Innovations for (non-Bank) Financing of SMEs in Light of the Crisis and New Regulation: A Policy Perspective‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bongini, P, A Ferrando, E Rossi and M Rossolini, ‘The Capital Markets Union and Firms' Access to External Market-Based Finance: Evidence and Policy Implications from a Novel Surv‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bianchi, M, C Di Noia and M Gargantini, ‘The EU Securities Law Framework for SMEs: Can Firms and Investors Meet?‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Focarelli, D, ‘Can Insurance Companies Help more SMEs to Access Capital Markets?‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Eslava, M and X Freixas, ‘Public Development Banks: Who to Target and How?‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Brutscher, P and D Revoltella, ‘Infrastructure Investment in Europe: New Data, Market Dynamics, Policy Actions, and the Role of the European Investment Bank‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Ioannidou, V, J Liberti, T Mosk and J Sturgess, ‘Intended and Unintended Consequences of Government credit Guarantee Programmes‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bruno, B, G Nocera and A Resti, ‘Are Risk-Based Capital Requirements Detrimental to Corporate Lending?: Evidence from Europe‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Giovannini, A, ‘Information in the Financial System: The Policy Challenge‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Banal-Estanol, A, D Khamatshin and E Moral-Benito, ‘Asset Encumbrance and CDS Premia of European Banks: DO Capital and Liquidity Tell the Whole Story‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Peydro, J, A Polo and E Sette (2018), ‘Securities Trading and Lending in Banks‘, in Polo, A, M Pagano, S Micossi, M Onado and C Mayer (eds), RELTIF: Finance and investment: The European case, CEPR Press, Paris & London.