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Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South

Creating economically and politically legitimate solutions to tackle climate change is one of the most pressing and challenging issues of our time. For emerging and developing economies, the task is made more difficult due to a lack of financing, increasing debt accumulation and the need to address domestic socio-economic issues.
This eBook provides a comprehensive overview of the financing gap that emerging and developing countries face to meet the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris climate goals. It provides detailed country- and region-level analysis of the challenges and opportunities of scaling up sustainable finance and investment and discusses the range of instruments that could be used to reach these climate and development objectives.

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Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds) (2022), ‘Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Volz, U and D Schoenmaker (2022), ‘Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South: Introduction‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


De Haas, R, R Martin, M Muuls and H Schweiger (2022), ‘Firms and finance during the green transition‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Davis, R, A Levine, R Rusconi and F Stewart (2022), ‘Mobilising long-term finance in the Global South: Lessons from the ‘South’ and ‘North’‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Arezki, R (2022), ‘Unleashing climate investing in Africa‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


El Aynaoui, K and O Canuto (2022), ‘Bridging green infrastructure and finance‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Puongsophol, K, S Tian and S Yamadera (2022), ‘Inspiring sustainable recovery through ASEAN+3 sustainable bond markets‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Attridge, S (2022), ‘The potentials and limitations of blended finance‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Revoltella, D, T Bending, R Santos and S Zwart (2022), ‘Assessing climate risks for long-term investments and the role of multilateral development banks‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Griffith-Jones, S (2022), ‘The key roles of development banks in financing the structural transformation‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Volz, U, S Dikau, E Almeida and N Robins (2022), ‘The role of central banks and supervisors in scaling up sustainable finance and investment in the Global South‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Ranger, N and M Mullan (2022), ‘Adaptation and resilience finance: The role of ‘alignment’ in scaling up adaptation and resilience finance in the Global South‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Knaack, P and U Volz (2022), ‘Inclusive green finance‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Dikau, S, M Haahr and U Volz (2022), ‘Harnessing the potential of digital finance for financing sustainable development‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Frisari, G (2022), ‘Scaling up sustainable finance and investment in the Global South: The case of Latin America and the Caribbean‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Vendramini, A (2022), ‘The sustainable finance landscape in Brazil‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Muhindi Wambui, R (2022), ‘Scaling up sustainable finance and investment in the Global South: A case study of sub-Saharan Africa‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Patel, D, ‘Political economy imperatives and financing needs: South Africa’s just transition to a lower-carbon economy and a climate-resili‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Ashraf Atef, N (2022), ‘Scaling up sustainable finance and investment in the Middle East and North Africa‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Tandon, S (2022), ‘Scaling up sustainable finance in India‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Ariyapruchya, S and U Volz (2022), ‘Sustainable finance in Southeast Asia‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Wei, L and C Lin (2022), ‘Scaling up sustainable finance and investment in the Global South: China’s experience‘, in Schoenmaker, D and U Volz (eds), Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South, CEPR Press, Paris & London.