Book EU Economic Architecture

Vox eBooks

Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union

The crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic has required rapid and strong action. It also entails key choices, including on how the EU could help mitigate the impact of Covid-19, foster the economic recovery and support the dual green and digital transitions. In September 2019, before the crisis, the Directorate General for Economy and Finance of the European Commission organised a workshop on strengthening the institutional architecture of the EMU. This eBook presents the main ideas discussed at the workshop.

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Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds) (2020), ‘Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union‘, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (2020), ‘Introduction: Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Enderlein, H (2020), ‘Time to move on: The discussion about EMU deepening needs to change‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Micossi, S (2020), ‘Raising growth in the euro area‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Tuomas, S (2020), ‘Democratic constraints on EMU‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Thygesen, N (2020), ‘Why has a euro area treasury not yet taken shape?‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Klöckers, H and S Tordoir (2020), ‘Designing a euro area treasury‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Bibow, J (2020), ‘A Euro Treasury: Essential, and rather straightforward‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Guttenberg, L (2020), ‘We don’t need no institution: What the euro area requires is not a treasury but a common fiscal policy‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Repasi, R, ‘A European Minister of Economy and Finance: A means to improve the democratic legitimacy of EMU?‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Fabbrini, F (2020), ‘Strengthening EMU through institutional reforms: Constitutional engineering done right‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.


Gros, D (2020), ‘Completing the institutional architecture of EMU on the external side: The euro area representation at the IMF‘, in Buti, M, G Giudice and J Leandro (eds), Strengthening the Institutional Architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union, CEPR Press, Paris & London.