Discussion Papers
Research by CEPR Research Fellows and Affiliates appears initially in the CEPR Discussion Paper series. These Discussion Papers are circulated widely to other specialists in the research and policy community so that the results of the research receive prompt and thorough professional scrutiny. The Centre produces over 1000 Discussion Papers each year and has an archive of over 18,000 of them.
Most Recent Papers
DP19482 Incentive Compatibility and Belief Restrictions
DP19484 Estimating Choice Models with Unobserved Expectations over Attributes
DP19485 Testing the Waters: How Firms Enter New Markets
DP19483 Nowcasting Recession Risk
DP19480 Consumer Storage Confronts Monopoly Power
DP19481 On the Investment Network and Development
DP19478 Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Regulation
DP19475 The Efficiency of Dynamic Electricity Prices
DP19474 Promotional Allowances: Loss Leading as an Incentive Device
DP19479 Large Language Models in Economics
DP19477 The Impact of the 'Coding Girls' Program on High School Students’ Skills, Awareness and Aspirations
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