Discussion Papers
Research by CEPR Research Fellows and Affiliates appears initially in the CEPR Discussion Paper series. These Discussion Papers are circulated widely to other specialists in the research and policy community so that the results of the research receive prompt and thorough professional scrutiny. The Centre produces over 1000 Discussion Papers each year and has an archive of over 18,000 of them.
Most Recent Papers
DP19455 Perpetual future pricing
DP19456 Platform Competition and App Development
DP19460 Recovering Price Informativeness from "Nonfundamental" Shocks
DP19457 Implementing Walrasian Equilibrium: the Languages of Product-Mix Auctions
DP19458 The Increasing Cost of Buying American
DP19454 Inclusive Teaching: Spotting Social Isolation in the Classroom
DP19453 Measuring Local Climate Change Attention: Does it Affect Investors and Firms?
DP19446 Democracy, Capitalism, and Equality: The Importance of Impersonal Rules
DP19448 Placeholder CEOs
DP19451 Common Ownership and Hedge Fund Activism: An Unholy Alliance?
DP19450 Banking Without Branches
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