Discussion paper

DP14459 Loan Types and the Bank Lending Channel

Using credit-registry data for Spain and Peru, we document that four main types of commercial credit—asset-based loans, cash flow loans, trade finance and leasing—are easily identifiable and represent the bulk of corporate credit. We show that credit growth dynamics and bank lending channels vary across these loan types. Moreover, aggregate credit supply shocks previously identified in the literature appear to be driven by individual loan types. The effects of monetary policy and the effects of the financial crisis propagating through banks’ balance sheets are primarily driven by cash flow loans, whereas asset-based credit appears to be largely insensitive to these types of effects.


Ivashina, V, L Laeven and E Moral-Benito (2020), ‘DP14459 Loan Types and the Bank Lending Channel‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 14459. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp14459