Discussion paper

DP15035 Informing employees in small and medium sized firms about training: results of a randomized field experiment

We mailed brochures to 10,000 randomly chosen employed German workers eligible for a subsizided occupational training program called WeGebAU, informing them about the importance of skill-upgrading occupational training in general and about WeGebAU in particular. Using survey and register data, we estimate effects of the information treatment brochure on awareness of the program, on take-up of WeGebAU and other training, and on subsequent employment. The brochure more than doubles awareness of the program. There are no effects on WeGebAU take-up but participation in other (unsubsidized) training increases among employees aged below 45. Short-term labor market outcomes are not affected.


Van den Berg, G, C Dauth, P Homrighausen and G Stephan (2020), ‘DP15035 Informing employees in small and medium sized firms about training: results of a randomized field experiment‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 15035. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp15035