Discussion paper

DP19427 Admissible Surplus Dynamics and the Government Debt Puzzle

Is it possible to reconcile the procyclical Government surplus dynamics with the ‘safe asset status’ of sovereign Debt? In an arbitrage-free market, if the aggregate debt value satisfies a transversality condition that rules out ‘bub- bles’, then it should equal the present value of future government surpluses. This relation seems to fail when the surplus process is calibrated to histor- ical data in the US (Jiang, Lustig, van Nieuwerburgh, and Xiolan (2022)). However, we show that when the government issues only safe bonds in an incomplete but arbitrage-free market, then not all surplus processes are ad- missible in the sense that they are consistent with both the dynamic budget constraint and a transversality condition. We propose a class of admissi- ble surplus processes that matches empirical properties of US government spending and tax claims without generating a ‘debt valuation puzzle.’


Collin-Dufresne, P, J Hugonnier and E Perazzi (2024), ‘DP19427 Admissible Surplus Dynamics and the Government Debt Puzzle‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 19427. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp19427