Discussion paper

DP6516 Testing Uncovered Interest Parity: A Continuous-Time Approach

Nowadays researchers can choose the sampling frequency of exchange rates and interest rates. If the number of observations per contract period is large relative to the sample size, standard GMM asymptotic theory provides unreliable inferences in UIP regression tests. We specify a bivariate continuous-time model for exchange rates and forward premia robust to temporal aggregation, unlike the discrete time models in the literature. We obtain the UIP restrictions on the continuous-time model parameters, which we estimate efficiently, and propose a novel specification test that compares estimators at different frequencies. Our empirical results based on correctly specified models reject UIP.


Sentana, E and A Diez de los Rios (2007), ‘DP6516 Testing Uncovered Interest Parity: A Continuous-Time Approach‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 6516. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp6516