VoxEU Column The TARGET2 controversy: Old wine in a new bottle? Gary Richardson Barry Eichengreen Arnaud Mehl Livia Chitu 15 Jul 2014 EU policies International Finance
Discussion paper DP9211 Target2 Redux: The simple accountancy and slightly more complex economics of Bundesbank loss exposure through the Eurosystem Willem Buiter Ebrahim Rahbari 11 Nov 2012 International Macroeconomics E01 E42 E63 F32 F33 F36
VoxEU Column TARGET2 as a scapegoat for German errors Yuemei Ji Paul De Grauwe 2 Nov 2012 EU institutions
VoxEU Column Two types of capital flight: Will a common deposit insurance help to stabilise the TARGET2 imbalances? Frank Westermann 16 Oct 2012 EU institutions Europe's nations and regions
VoxEU Column What Germany should fear most is its own fear Yuemei Ji Paul De Grauwe 18 Sep 2012 Europe's nations and regions Monetary Policy
VoxEU Column A German Sovereign Wealth Fund to save the euro Thomas Mayer Daniel Gros 28 Aug 2012 EU policies Europe's nations and regions
VoxEU Column German savers should applaud the growing TARGET balances Mark Schieritz Sebastian Dullien 7 May 2012 EU policies Europe's nations and regions
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