Discussion paper DP14829 Deciphering the Macroeconomic Effects of Internal Devaluations in a Monetary Union Javier Andrés Oscar Arce Jesús Fernández-Villaverde Samuel Hurtado 30 May 2020 Monetary Economics and Fluctuations E44 E63 D42
VoxEU Column Budget balance, structural unemployment and fiscal adjustments: The Spanish case Rafael Domenech Javier Andrés 5 Apr 2013 Europe's nations and regions
VoxEU Column A solution to the euro debt crisis: Back from the future Rafael Domenech Javier Andrés 26 Jun 2012 EU policies Europe's nations and regions
VoxEU Column The arithmetic of (excessive?) fiscal consolidation in Spain Rafael Domenech Javier Andrés 7 Apr 2012 Europe's nations and regions Macroeconomic policy
Discussion paper DP6812 Money and the Natural Rate of Interest: Structural Estimates for the United States and the Euro Area Javier Andrés J David López-Salido Edward Nelson 25 May 2008 International Macroeconomics E51 E52
Discussion paper DP4384 The Stabilizing Role of Government Size Javier Andrés Antonio Fatás Rafael Domenech 23 May 2004 International Macroeconomics E32 E52 E63
Discussion paper DP4336 Tobin's Imperfect Asset Substitution in Optimizing General Equilibrium Javier Andrés J David López-Salido Edward Nelson 23 Mar 2004 International Macroeconomics E52 E58
Discussion paper DP4337 Money and the Natural Rate of Interest: Structural Estimates for the UK, the US and the euro area Javier Andrés J David López-Salido Edward Nelson 23 Mar 2004 International Macroeconomics E52 E58
Report Spanish Unemployment: Is there a Solution? David Taguas Luis Toharia Dennis Snower Robert Solow Ana Revenga Gilles Saint-Paul Edmond Malinvaud Juan Francisco Jimeno Olivier Blanchard Charles Bean Javier Andrés 1 May 1995
Chapter Annex 4: Microeconomic aspects of the Spanish labour market David Taguas Luis Toharia Dennis Snower Robert Solow Ana Revenga Gilles Saint-Paul Edmond Malinvaud Juan Francisco Jimeno Olivier Blanchard Charles Bean Javier Andrés 5 Jan 1995
Chapter Annex 3: The stance of fiscal and monetary policies, 1975-93 David Taguas Luis Toharia Dennis Snower Robert Solow Ana Revenga Gilles Saint-Paul Edmond Malinvaud Juan Francisco Jimeno Olivier Blanchard Charles Bean Javier Andrés 5 Jan 1995
Chapter Annex 2: Aggregate wages and unemployment in Spain: A review of the evidence David Taguas Luis Toharia Dennis Snower Robert Solow Ana Revenga Gilles Saint-Paul Edmond Malinvaud Juan Francisco Jimeno Olivier Blanchard Charles Bean Javier Andrés 5 Jan 1995