Vox eBooks
Towards a workable and effective climate regime
- Harnessing the animal spirits of finance for a low-carbon transition
- Comparing emission mitigation pledges: Metrics and institutions
- Introduction: Towards a Workable and Effective Climate Regime
- Implications of climate science for negotiators
- Beyond the 2°C limit: Facing the economic and institutional challenges
- The state of climate negotiations
- A view from Africa
- A view from China
- A view from India
- The view from different parts of the world: A view from Japan
- A view from Europe
- A view from the United States
- Legally binding versus non-legally binding instruments
- Towards an effective system of monitoring, reporting, and verification
- After the failure of top-down mandates: The role of experimental governance in climate change policy
- A building blocks strategy for global climate change
- Climate change policies and the WTO: Greening the GATT, revisited
- The regulatory approach in US climate mitigation policy
- Pricing carbon: The challenges
- Taxing carbon: Current state of play and prospects for future developments
- Linkage of regional, national, and sub-national policies in a future international climate agreement
- Options for avoiding carbon leakage
- Options for avoiding carbon leakage
- International cooperation in advancing energy technologies for deep decarbonisation
- The role of renewables in the pathway towards decarbonisation
- Carbon capture and storage: Promise or delusion?
- The alternatives to unconstrained climate change: Emission reductions versus carbon and solar geoengineering
- Poverty and climate change: Natural disasters, agricultural impacts and health shocks
- Policy options in low-income countries: Achieving socially appropriate climate change response objectives
- REDD+: What should come next?
- Curbing carbon without curbing development
- Towards resilient and low-carbon cities
- Meaningful technology development and transfer: A necessary condition for a viable climate regime
- The macroeconomics of climate policy: Investments and financial flows
- Pros and cons of alternative sources of climate change financing and prospects for ‘unconventional finance’
- Measuring vulnerability to climate change for allocating funds to adaptation